Okay, I know. Halloween is still almost two months away. But yesterday, when we went shopping for the perfect dog food bowl (did I see you there?) the Halloween goodies were already for sale. How crazy is that? It’s enough to make a girl a little cynical. But wait —look – aren’t those ghosts fabulous? What about the black and orange crepe paper? Won’t it be perfect over the front door? And that princess tiara. Wouldn’t it look great – on the dog?
Really? On the dog? It’s the kind of idea that splits the dog community right down the middle. And so we ask: Where do you – and your dog –stand on the Halloween costume debate? Thrilling? Or torture? Raise your paws and let us know.
You might want to check out Bean’s Tale » on our Sample Readings page. Bean’s owner wasn’t sure if her dog wanted to wear a Halloween costume. So she consulted The Original Dog Tarot, and found the happy answer.
And don’t forget to let us know what your dog thinks about the pressing issue of seasonal dress-up.
“Can they send pictures, please?” asked little Tillie, who loves to wear her pink tutu any time of year. Of course, Tillie dear.

A few years ago, I started wondering how dogs felt about wearing costumes. I’d just bought Bosco some sweet but understated bunny ears for the holiday. He’s a good sport and was willing to pose for a picture wearing them. He even kept them on when kids came to the door for their treats.

But once the last trick or treater had gone, things looked a little different.

Which led me to believe Bosco thought the whole idea was ridiculous.
So the other day I asked him how he felt.
“You might want to ask Nostradogus,” he said, and went to snooze under his favorite tree.
He never wants to hurt my feelings.
Better get the deck out.
What do you think about the whole subject? Please send pictures to: the dogtarot@gmail.com. If you have a comment, please leave it below!