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Archive for the ‘Community’ Category
Posted on: February 5th, 2013 by Heidi
Hello Santa Fe friends. We’re heading for The Ark Bookstore , 133 Romero Street, Santa Fe, on Saturday February 9. We’ll be there from 2-4pm, for a book signing and talk. I’d love to see you if you’re close by, especially if we haven’t met before. I think of this as an early Valentine’s Day event: if you want unconditional love, look no further than the nearest dog!
Posted on: January 17th, 2013 by Heidi
How is The Original Dog Tarot working for you? I’d love to hear your stories. Have you learned anything about your dog? About yourself? What questions have you asked? Did the answers give you insights or make you closer to your pooch? Let’s share our stories!
Posted on: January 11th, 2013 by Heidi
Happy New Year everyone! Starting it off (a little late) with an Original Dog Tarot giveaway today only from the lovely people at Modern Dog Magazine. Good luck!
Posted on: December 17th, 2012 by Heidi
It’s a strange day to be talking about anything light-hearted, but we love our dogs, and they provide us with so much comfort, and DOGSTER.COM’s Julia Szabo celebrates that today in talking about The Original Dog Tarot. If we let them, our dogs make us better people — more open and compassionate towards everyone in our lives. And so we thank Julia and DOGSTER.COM for knowing what our furry friends mean to us now and always.
Posted on: December 17th, 2012 by Heidi
Brave volunteers from the Lutheran Charities are offering canine comfort and small moments of peace in Newtown, Connecticut. Nothing replaces the loss or the need to act. But comfort comes in many forms. Thank you.
Posted on: December 17th, 2012 by Heidi
It’s a terrible day in America……We don’t need to recount the situation in Connecticut…or the grief, and pain over this incident and every incident that takes a life in violence. Hold tight to everyone you love — human and animal –take comfort where you can — and be ready to take any action that can bring us all together, in love – and for change.
Posted on: December 14th, 2012 by Heidi
The Original Dog Tarot and I will be at the beautiful Teca Tu Pet Emporium in the Sanbusco Center, Santa Fe, tomorrow, December 15, from 12-2. Drop by if you’re out shopping…..Is there someone on your Christmas list who needs a doggie gift? Or – just come and say hello. Happy Holidays!
Posted on: December 4th, 2012 by Heidi
If you’re in Albuquerque on Saturday…and want to do some holiday bookstore shopping…come say hi to me at the Barnes and Noble in the Coronado Mall — 6600 Menaul, 883-8200. I’ll be there from 11 to noon, signing copies of The Original Dog Tarot, and then browsing the shelves to see what’s happening in the book world this holiday season. I’d love to see you.
Posted on: November 30th, 2012 by Heidi
Tails Magazine’s Holiday Gift Guide is out —and calls The Original Dog Tarot one of its favorite holiday gifts. Thanks for the heads-up, Tails. We’re wagging.
Starting in 2013, Tails is going almost entirely digital. The print edition will only appear in Tails’ flagship city of Chicago. So when the new year comes — keep up with Tails online. The magazine is a labor of love, and benefits so many animals in need.

Posted on: October 31st, 2012 by Heidi
Freekibble is giving all Halo Pets Kibble raised today through Friday to dogs and cats impacted by Hurricane Sandy. Please spread the word, says little Tillie.