One-Card Draw
The One-Card Draw is great for simple questions and quick answers, as in Bean’s Tale.
Jannie bought a dazzling Halloween costume for her Corgi-mix, Bean, but wasn’t sure she should let Bean wear it. She knew Bean would look fabulous in her flowered headdress and tutu and would love the attention, but friends said it was ridiculous to dress a dog like a doll. Conflicted and confused, Jannie asked “Would Bean be helped, or harmed, by dressing for Halloween?”
Jannie drew THE RUNT, the card of transformation. It told her that every dog has a special gift waiting to be unleashed. Jannie saw the message as a sign to let Bean wear the outfit and go trick-or-treating with the neighborhood children. In her costume, Bean was beguiling, floating down the street, pleased and proud. People gathered in admiration, and soon, she’d collected more treats than the children. At home, an exhausted and radiant Bean fell into a deep, happy, sleep, sighing, dreaming of next year’s Halloween. A star had been born. The truth was in the cards.
Click on the card to reveal its full message for Bean and Jannie.

THE RUNT is the card of transformation.
It suggests that your dog possesses a special talent hidden from view.
THE RUNT tells us to look beyond appearances, past your pup’s drooling and fondness for flicking mud onto the clean white carpet, and examine the gifts lying beneath the surface. When you draw THE RUNT, ask: “Does my sweet, slobbering mutt have a flair, a genius, or some kind of ‘It Girl’ factor I’ve never noticed?” The card was inspired by a legendary sixteenth-century Roman mathematician who adopted a raggedy runt named Lola from an exclusive litter of Spaniels. When amused colleagues insisted he had chosen the dog least likely to succeed, he smiled, saying, “I saw something in her eyes.” With love, grooming, and the right accessories, Lola blossomed into the most beautiful dog in Italy, posing as a model for important painters of the era. Lola’s story tells us that a dog can’t reach for the heights unless her human digs into her own depths.
The message for humans who draw the RUNT is: Sharpen your perceptions, and learn to nurture all creatures that bring joy into your life. If you suspect that your shy, scraggly Shepherd could develop the bravery and devotion of a Rin Tin Tin, don’t just sit there and stay. Offer a helping paw.